Embracing digital solutions in commodity trading

Embracing Digital Solutions in Commodity Trading

Commodity trading is not as simple as it used to be, and increasing environmental and sustainability demands are only adding to the operational and reporting burdens. In this interview, Richard Williamson, Gen10 CEO & Founder, sits down with Ben Hillary from Commodities People to discuss this increasing complexity and how we can respond to it.…

document management for cotton traders

Managing cotton documents in CommOS

Successful cotton trading comes down to managing large amounts of data in many different documents and formats. Data enters your organisation through many channels, from contract negotiations, to take-up, gin, and HVI files. This data is then used to manage your real-world operations before being incorporated into a range of other documents to share it…

commodity management in cotton supply chains

How commodity management creates a more reliable cotton supply chain

Cotton is a particularly complex commodity to trade due to the intricate logistics processes involved. These processes can introduce operational risk, delays, and cause major headaches for operators trying to establish reliable supply chains for their organisations and clients. There is a great deal of data to manage and communicate with supply chain partners, and…

Ags and Softs SaaS CTRM

The benefits of SaaS CTRM in ags and softs

At Gen10, we don’t often talk about “ags and softs” as we think it’s important to treat each commodity individually and respect the nuances between each product. Nuances that lead to very different trading processes and therefore different CTRM system requirements. However, today we are taking an overarching view of the ags and softs landscape.…

commodity traceability - what you need to know

Commodity traceability – what you need to know

Commodity traceability is a large and complex subject, and one that is changing rapidly. It is often discussed in terms of verifying ESG initiatives, but it has a far wider scope than this. Traceability is essential for effective supply chain management, business continuity, and even capturing the full value of shipments in contract pricing. There…

commodities traceability legislation

What’s changing in commodities traceability legislation?

Commodity traceability is often discussed in relation to sustainability, but it actually encompasses a far wider remit than that and is tied to a wide range of commodity risk management practices too. We have already explored how traceability practices can improve supply chain resilience, agility, and more. Today, we are taking a different look at…

Gen10's key takeaways from Energy Trading Week

Energy Trading Week 2023 – What we learned

The Gen10 team recently sponsored the industry-leading Energy Trading Week conference series where we caught up with contacts in the energy and commodities space and attended several panel sessions across the 8 conference streams. With so many insightful presentations taking place simultaneously, we couldn’t catch everything that was shared across the two days, but below…