etrm energy supply chain

There is so much variation in energy supply chains – but do ETRMs reflect this?

Within the energy industry there are a wide range of supply chain positions, from commodity producers, through refiners and commodity traders, to generators and energy traders. Each of these players have very different roles and therefore different requirements from their commodity and energy trading software, yet many ETRM suppliers attempt to create one solution to fit all.

Gen10 Energy Trading Week

Join Gen10 at Energy Trading Week Online

Gen10 are delighted to announce that we are Gold sponsors of Energy Trading Week Online, the world’s leading online event for energy traders.

Taking place over 3 days from 16 to 18 June 2020, the free event includes presentations and panel discussions from leaders in energy trading and power generation. Energy Trading Week also includes virtual networking, creating a true event experience in addition to the webinar series.

commodity automation

How automation can power commodity logistics

Technology is helping to drive innovation across the supply chain. End customers expect more personalised products more rapidly, leading to manufacturers automating their order fulfilment, production and, where possible, supply chains. And as other partners face greater regulation, such as banks’ reporting requirements or partners’ sustainability certifications, commodity traders need to ensure the accuracy and…

supply chain traceability

Traceability and provenance apps in commodity supply chains

Traceability and provenance are of growing importance across all commodities, no longer confined to select agricultural products and luxury goods. Scrutiny from legislators, regulators, consumers and auditors are continually adding new challenges and complexity to demonstrating a product’s provenance: with CO2 emissions and carbon offsetting being added to concerns such as food safety, workers’ rights,…