It was a great couple of days at the CTRM Conference in London last week, so congratulations to the event organisers, CTRM Center and Commodities Now. Based on what the speakers said during the official conference sessions and what our peers, colleagues and partners said during informal discussions, it’s become crystal clear that there is an urgent need to increase visibility and transparency throughout the supply chain.

2014gallery28Today’s commodity businesses need a CTRM solution that is:

  1. Quick and easy to implement,
  2. Flexible,
  3. Cost-effective,
  4. User friendly,
  5. Scalable, and
  6. Able to offer restricted access to third parties.

It proved to be a valuable forum for discussing the issues and opportunities we face in this complex industry, and we were happy to support the conference through Generation 10’s Platinum Sponsorship.

We look forward to continuing these discussions at a number of events during our busy Q4 travel season. If you plan to attend any of the events listed below, please take a few minutes to stop by and see us in our exhibit booth. We’ll show you how to increase visibility into your operations, streamline your supply chain, get more value from your data, and above all, see things more clearly!


The International Cotton Advisory Committee’s 73rd Plenary Meeting

73rd ICAC Plenary Meeting

Thessaloniki, Greece, Nov. 2-7


With its theme of “From Land to Brand: Strengthening the Cotton Value Chain,” ICAC’s 73rd Plenary Meeting will convene more than 500 cotton industry professionals, from producers through retailers. ICAC is the world’s largest international organization concerning the production, trade and processing of cotton.

Generation 10 is proud to have partnered with ICAC to create the World Cotton Database, which provides complete access to statistics on seasonal cotton supply and use for more than 130 countries, from 1920/21 to date. The WCD utilises Generation 10’s d3 Analytics to collect, manage and analyse its massive database, and is free to the public.

The Cotton Sourcing USA Summit

Sourcing USA Summit

Scottsdale, Arizona, Nov. 11-14

Hundreds of prominent cotton industry decision-makers from Asia, Europe and Latin America will join U.S. cotton fiber exporters at the Sourcing USA Summit, which is hosted by Cotton Council International, Cotton Incorporated, and the U.S. cotton industry, in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Foreign Agricultural Services.

Virtually every single one of the millions of cotton bales produced each year in the United States is classed at a USDA regional office. To find out how Generation 10’s d3 Analytics have empowered USDA to compile all of that data into a central location and gain insight into the performance of each individual classing machine, operator and laboratory – in real time – click here.

Sintercafe 2014


San Jose, Costa Rica, Nov. 12-15

An international event held every November for both producers and consumers, Sintercafe will once again become the meeting place for key decision makers from the most important coffee companies in the world. More than 500 participants will have the opportunity to exchange information, share their experiences, and interact with the world’s coffee community in order to strengthen coffee commerce.

Gen10’s innovative, flexible commodity management solutions help businesses manage their operational and financial risks, optimise supply chains, and improve business transparency. In coffee and other agricultural commodities, Generation 10 makes it easier to understand and maximise the value of your data. 

Gen10 at Commodity Trading Week APAC: Advancing Commodity Trading Through Technology and Innovation

Sustainability & Compliance in Commodity Trading: How to Prepare for the Future

How AI and Modern CTRM Systems are Transforming Commodity Risk Management