Terry-Townsend-webGen10 is pleased to announce the addition of cotton industry expert Dr. Terry Townsend to its Advisory Board. Dr. Townsend was the executive director of the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) from 1999 to 2013 and worked with Gen10 on a number of major projects during his tenure, including the creation of the ICAC World Cotton Database.

Prior to his tenure as Executive Director, Dr. Townsend served 12 years as an ICAC statistician and 5 years with the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Townsend noted that, “Gen10 is the leader in providing analytical software for the world cotton industry, and my experience working with Gen10 on the ICAC World Cotton Database project while I was executive director of ICAC was always excellent. The members of the Gen10 team are technically proficient and personally responsive, and they embody the best in ethical standards. It will be a pleasure to be associated with Gen10 as a member of the Advisory Board.”

“Dr. Townsend has been an iconic figure in the cotton industry for decades, and his leadership throughout the years has been a tremendous asset to cotton professionals across the globe,” says Gen10 CEO Richard Williamson. “We’re proud to have such an influential and knowledgeable expert helping to set the course for Gen10 in the years to come.”

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